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A Maryland Wear and Carry Permit is NOT a Concealed Carry Permit!

Writer: Honeybear TacticalHoneybear Tactical

With the recent Supreme Court decision and Governor Hogan's edict to remove the "Good and Substantial Reason" clause from Maryland's permit requirement, the increase in Marylanders seeking their permit to carry a handgun has increased astronomically! But so has the confusion around what people are really applying to receive. So many people do not understand the difference between Maryland's Wear and Carry Permit and for example say DC's Concealed Carry Pistol License. In the state of Maryland, once you have the Handgun Wear and Carry Permit, you have the option of carrying your firearm either open or concealed vs in DC, the only option is concealed.

What is the difference you ask? It is a very important one to understand!

Open carry means that you can carry your firearm in a condition where it is not hidden. Meaning anyone looking at you can clearly see you have a gun on your person. Whether it be on your hip in an outside the waistband holster or slung over your shoulder (yes, you can carry an AR pistol on a sling walking around in the open with a permit), you are not required to conceal your gun. This seems to be a secret even to some law enforcement officers. In Maryland, as long as it is on the handgun roster, you can carry it however you like (see link to Maryland Handgun Roster below).

You also have the option to carry your gun concealed. Concealed means that the gun is hidden. Meaning someone looking at you can not obviously tell you are carrying a firearm.

With the DC Concealed Carry Pistol License, you are only allowed to carry your gun in a concealed manner because open carry is illegal. This has huge implications for your ability to conceal your gun properly and to avoid printing. Printing is when your gun can be seen underneath your clothing.

Understanding the difference between open and concealed carry and which permits allow what is critical to ensuring your physical and financial freedom because making a mistake could come with costly fines and/or a criminal record and jail time.

But don't just take our word for it. As a responsible gun owner, it is YOUR responsibility to understand all of the laws associated with firearms in every state you live or travel through.

Here are some helpful links to help you in that regard.

Maryland Handgun Roster

Maryland Wear and Carry Permit

DC Concealed Carry License

We are members and official partners with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). USCCA is a great membership organization focused on helping responsible Americans keep their families safe by offering education, training and self defense liability insurance to all of its members. We highly recommend joining so that you can have access to resources that will help you continue your training and education and provide you with assistance if God forbid you ever have to defend yourself with force.

Sign up today and use code HBTAC

One resource available to anyone (even without membership) is their Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map ad Gun Laws by State. This is an amazing summary of all of the gun laws across the country and shows you where your permit would be honored if you travel outside of state.

USCCA's Conceal Carry Reciprocity Map and Gun Laws by State

Stay informed, well trained and safe!



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